History Lives Through Art
Exhibition and Sales
Dates/Times: Friday, May 26 -- 4:00PM to 9:00PM
Reception 7:00PM
Saturday, May 27 10:00AM – 4:00PM
Bruce Nelson ”Home Comfort: Victorian Families and Their
Shirley Zeller “Buttons Have Stories Too”
Richard Lewin “Historic Salt Cellars: When It Rained, It
Didn’t Pour”, 1:00 (Sat. May 27)
Concurrent Events
Albion Historical Society – Gardner House Museum
”Albion: People, Places and Events Before 1980” Anna’s House of Flowers
”Offering a free carnation of red, white or blue” Yellow Bird Chocolate
”Slices of America’s First Chocolate cake recipe for sale”
Superior Street Participants in “History Lives Through Art: Albion’s Historic Past”
Look in the windows of these businesses along Superior Street for glimpses of Albion’s
past -- in the art of photos, paintings, drawings, and other ART-ifacts.
Albion Insurance Agency (painting of the original skating pond)
Albion District Library
Malleable Brewing Co. (formerly a movie theater) - Historic Movie Poster
Homestead Bank
Foundry Bakehouse & Deli - Pictures of Albion’s Foundry Past
Greater Albion Chamber of Commerce
Parks Drug Store
Performance Automotive - (historic photos in window)
Anna’s House of Flowers - 1st Flower Shop [Dysinger Sisters - Albion Suffrage Headquarters]
Yellow Bird Chocolate - America’s 1st chocolate cake
Mitchell Golf
Kid’s ‘n Stuff - formerly J.C. Penny’s
Dr. Judy Warren - formerly the Albion Opera House
Cuts by Moose (Barber shop)
Marriott Hotel - former Studebaker Dealer, and Kroger Store (robbed by the Purple Gang)
Bohm Theatre
Cascarelli’s - 100+ years
Superior Nutrition
Stirling Books ‘n Brew
Smart Strength
Dickerson Music
Lopez Taco House
Corona Smoke Shop
Riverside Gifts and Treasures
Gaddis Impressions
Brown’s Home Furnishings
New EDC Office
Corona Smoke Shop
Friday May 26, 2023
4:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
Printed courtesy of www.greateralbionchamber.org/ – Contact the Greater Albion Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau for more information.
403 S. Superior Street, Albion, MI 49224 – (517) 629-5533 – President@GreaterAlbionChamber.org